Geochemical Assessment of the Genetic Association of the Alakeçi Gold-Bearing Listvenitization Zone (Bayramiç, Çanakkale/Türkiye) Utilizing Trace and Rare Earth Elements
The Alakeçi Listvenit gold enrichments are located in the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Turkey. This study aims to investigate the genetic relationship within the Alakeçi listvenitic gold enrichments using trace element (TE) and rare earth element (REE) geochemistry. To achieve this, 29 samples associated with listvenitization in the area underwent analysis for major oxides, trace elements, and rare earth elements, employing inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
The geochemical analysis of the Alakeçi gold-bearing listvenitization zone indicates that gold enrichments within the listvenitization zone result from leaching caused by hydrothermal processes affecting the ultrabasic rocks in which listvenitization occurs. It is suggested that the hydrothermal processes, also active in the Kısacık gold deposit in the region, contribute to this gold enrichment, as indicated by the TE and REE patterns. Thus, in addition to the listvenitization of ultrabasic rocks, the field observations suggest that processes forming epithermal gold mineralization also play a role in the gold enrichments within the listvenitizations.
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