Effect of Curing Time on Fresh and Physical Properties of Alkaline Activated Fiber Concrete With Quarry Waste, A Natural Pozzolan
Studies on the production of concrete by alkaline activation method continue to increase in today's concrete industry due to the fact that it is more environmentally friendly and sustainable. In this regard, by developing a new building material by activating various natural and/or artificial pozzolanic wastes with the help of an activator as a binder instead of cement, environmental health is protected by preventing the problems of storage and disposal of wastes, and CO2 emission is also prevented as alternative materials to cement are used as binders. In this study, alkali activated concrete (AAC) and fibrous alkali activated concrete (FAAC) were produced using rock dust (RD), which is a waste material of a quarry in operation for various construction productions, and ground blast furnace slag (GBFS), which is also an industrial waste, activated with NaOH and Na2SiO3 and steel and polyester fibers at various ratios by volume (0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1.0%). The effects of curing time and fiber ratios were investigated by performing consistency and unit volume weight tests as fresh state properties, compressive strength and physical properties tests at the end of 3,7 and 28 days curing period as hardened concrete properties.
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