Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Heavy Metals in Fish

Balıklarda Ağır Metaller




Heavy metal, fish, toxicity, bioaccumulation


Heavy metals are used in a variety of ways in industry, agriculture, food processing, and homes. They are significant environmental and industrial pollutants because they are converted into various products by humans. This study addresses the findings of various researchers on the effects of heavy metals on fish. Many studies have shown that the levels of metals that are essential for aquatic organisms (Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) are very high, but the levels of non-essential metals are lower. This review has shown that fish is used as a bioaccumulator in heavy metal pollution. It has been shown that both essential and non-essential metals accumulate along the trophic chain in freshwater ecosystems. Non-essential metals are known to have no metabolic function, but as a result of their bioaccumulation in fish, these metals can be toxic to humans even at very low concentrations. The concentration of heavy metals in fish is important for both nature management and human consumption. It is recommended that such research should continue in order to determine both human health and metal toxicity in aquatic environments.


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How to Cite

Kırat, G., & Dartay, M. (2023). Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Heavy Metals in Fish: Balıklarda Ağır Metaller. ISERDAR, 1(1), 20–24.




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