Analysis of Studies on 'Disaster Management' and 'Engineering' Concepts Using VOSviewer for Bibliometric Analysis



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Disaster Management, engineering, Disaster Management Engineering, Resilience, vulnerability


In this study, the aim is to develop a bibliometric analysis map of studies on the concepts of 'Disaster Management' and 'Engineering.' Using a descriptive analysis model, specifically the general scanning model, quantitative data obtained are utilized to identify trends and gaps in studies related to disaster management and engineering concepts in the literature. The analysis is based on data from the Web of Science database. Bibliometric data from various types of works published between 1985 and 2024 (as of April 1, 2024) are taken as the unit of analysis. "When examining the distribution of 2051 works related to the concepts of 'Disaster Management' and 'Engineering' by publication years, it is observed that there is a concentration in the years 2018 (236 works), 2022 (195 works), 2021, and 2020 (with 194 works each). The most prolific authors are Juan Carlos De La Llera Martin, Kaoshan Dai, and Enşen Uzun. The predominant publication types are journal articles (1339), conference papers (702), and reviews (62). In terms of research areas, works are primarily in the fields of Civil Engineering (497), Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences (310), Environmental Sciences (263), Geological Engineering (235), Multidisciplinary Engineering (177), and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (169). The distribution of publications by countries shows leadership in publishers originating from the USA (341), People's Republic of China (315), India (222), Indonesia (144), and Japan (138). The publications are predominantly in English (2035), followed by Turkish (7) and Chinese (4). Publications indexed in SSCI-Expanded (1138), CPCI-S (687), and ESCI (181) indexes are prevalent. When examining the most frequently used keywords in publications related to Disaster Management and Engineering concepts, 'disaster management' (283 occurrences), 'resilience' (60 occurrences), 'earthquake' (40 occurrences), 'GIS' (Geographic Information Systems) (39 occurrences), 'disaster' (33 occurrences), 'remote sensing' (33 occurrences), and 'vulnerability' (33 occurrences) are the most common expressions


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Akduman, Öznur, & Aksüt, Y. S. (2024). Analysis of Studies on ’Disaster Management’ and ’Engineering’ Concepts Using VOSviewer for Bibliometric Analysis. ISERDAR, 2(1), 01–10.


